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Burns (9)+ hours per candle

Citronella oil is mixed into the paraffin

Special wax formula optimized for use in UCO Candle Lanterns

High-melt temperature minimizes dripping

Special wick provides ideal flame

Produces heat to ward tent and reduce condensation

Economical source of light


Dimensions - 1.25" x 1" x 4.25"

Material - Paraffin

Burn Time - 9 hours

BTU's - 1900

Lumens - Up to 20

Weight - 5.0 oz.


**Cocoon not included, sold separately 

UCO Candles - Citronella (3) pack

  • UCO stands for Utility, Comfort, and Originality. Founded in Redmond, WA in 1971, we bring 40 years of innovation and manufacturing expertise to the outdoor industry. Each of our products is designed with useful features that make your time outside safer and more comfortable. With products like the Original Candle Lantern that offer great functionality and simplicity or the Stormproof Matches that help you survive the elements, we have grown to become a leading brand in lighting and fire starting for your outdoor, home, and emergency preparedness needs.

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